Busy, busy…

. …Baking , tidying, yes.. ..I’ve been busy, but so has everyone one else. If I say the reason why I haven’t blogged is because I have been busy that means in essence that, I have been busy with other things that were more important than blogging…ouch! But blogging is important to me but ifContinue reading “Busy, busy…”

“One of the advantages. ..

… of hurting my ankle”… “is that I get to be spoilt by my cousin” “I’d normally be the one doing the dishes, cleaning and cooking… .. Instead she’s doing it all …while… I get to rest/recover, and also be ‘the’ chief cupcake taster. ..yummmm” Hmmmm…..Cupcakes….☺☺☺

“They don’t think. ..

… this can work” “Why not what’s wrong with this…? “Can’t you see?” “No I can’t!…….Who says we need to have the same size head to be together?” “Don’t you understand?. .. It looks weird to them…” “But, but… Why should that matter? ” “Besides. ..I don’t understand we’ve been together for ages. . AndContinue reading ““They don’t think. ..”